The school year is winding up at International Christian School of Budapest (ICSB) and with that comes the busyness year end activities. Students are going on their final field trips, year end concerts are being performed, tears will be shed at the goodbye chapels and finally the graduates will be sent off into the world. Our students will be scattered throughout the globe for the summer. Some will be coming back to ICSB next year while others will move to new places.
Throughout the year I have watched the students change and grow. I am amazed at what the Lord had done in their lives and proud of them for all their hard work. At the last high school chapel of the year I was able to hear some of the students’ testimonies of what the Lord has done it their lives. One student stood up and talked about how last year in his home country he made some bad choices and was influenced negatively by this non-Christian ‘friends.’ He was crushed when he found out he was moving to Hungary, but was surprised to find love and acceptance from our students. It is great to know that the love of Christ is infiltrating ICSB through the student body. I would ask that you would join me and the other staff members in praising the Lord for what he is doing in the students’ lives at ICSB.
Personally, I will be experiencing the transition of moving to a new apartment in Budapest at the end of June. Currently, I live in the village of Diosd where ICSB is located. I am excited to be moving to the city where I will room with a lady who works with Youth with a Mission. Please pray that my new home will be a place where Jesus is first and that it will be a warm and inviting.
Specific praise and prayer requests
• Praise for the near completion of another good school year and that several of the students came to know the Lord
• Pray for the students not returning to ICSB (graduates and others) that they will transition well in their new situations
• Pray that the teachers and staff at ICSB will be sensitive to the needs of our students and will find opportunities to share the gospel with the students
• Pray for myself as I continue to wrestle with how to teach the students library skills from a Biblical perspective.
Thank you for your partnership in sharing the love of Christ with the students at ICSB!