Saturday, January 14, 2012

Picture Saturday: Sewing Machine!

Welcome to the New Year.  As usual I did not make any offical resolutions this year, but I do have a goal to learn how to sew better.  I want to eventually be able to make some of my own clothing that actually fits, but I have started out small making some gift bags for my friend's Christmas presents. 

Last fall I bought a sewing machine downtown Budapest at Varrógép Centrum to help me with this goal:


Kristen said...

I have been wanting to get a sewing machine for quiet some time. I have borrowed from others here but have decided I would like my own. I will have to ask you about this sewing machine place!!!

Andrea said...

The sewing machine place is great. Lots of models to choose from. It is near Octogon. I also saw that they have a store in Westend as well.