Friday, September 23, 2011

This Week in the Library

  • In prefirst we read The Very Hungary Caterpillar by Eric Carle and Where is the Green Sheep? (in big book formate) by Mem Fox
  • In first grade we studied the author Dr. Seuss.  The student's learned that the author is the person who wrote the book and read the book Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?
  • In third grade we learned about the different sections of our library - ER Easy Reader, E Easy, J Junior, nonfiction
Out of all of these I have to say that Where is the Green Sheep? is my favourite.  The children love the rhythme and repeating all of the different types of sheep that are on each page.  The title page hints to where the green sheep is, but I have yet to have a child guess where the green sheep is until the end.  A mother came in with her preschool son; he pretended he didn't want to read the book, but when they left he was saying to himself "Where is the green sheep? Where is the green sheep?"  If you want know where the green sheep is you will have read this great book!

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