Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tanulok Magyarul - I study Hungarian III

This year I have greatly increased my Hungarian language skills, but I make many funny mistakes when I go out and try to speak to people.  Here are some examples:

In the midst of cleaning up water that had poured all over my kitchen from my broken water heater I told my neighbor that the washer was in the cloths.

When shopping for fabric to make pajama pants I told the lady the I was making night pants, only to look up the word for pajama in the dictionary and find out it is the same in Hungarian as in English.

I hope that you can find the humor in these stories as much as I can!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Picture Saturday: Sewing Machine!

Welcome to the New Year.  As usual I did not make any offical resolutions this year, but I do have a goal to learn how to sew better.  I want to eventually be able to make some of my own clothing that actually fits, but I have started out small making some gift bags for my friend's Christmas presents. 

Last fall I bought a sewing machine downtown Budapest at Varrógép Centrum to help me with this goal: