Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cost of Common Items in Hungary

 **The exchange rate was calculated at the rate of 1 CAD to 190.306407 HUF**

Rent and Utilities

66,000-100,000 HUF and up ($346.80-$525.47 and up)

Laundry Detergent (5 KG powder)
3699 HUF ($19.43)

Refrigerator/Freezer (140x54x60 cm)

71990 HUF (378.28)
Water melon
145 HUF/KG ($0.79)

Monthly Transportation Pass
9800 HUF/KG ($51.49)

Taft Hair Mousse
849 HUF ($4.46)

Woman’s blouse
3990-6990 and up ($20.96-$36.72)
Mobile Phone
2125 HUF/Month ($11.16/Month)